Monday, April 12, 2010

The Singing Oak

Day 1: The Singing Oak @ City Park

I'd pass by this tree many times-- but never really got close enough to hear the beautiful melodies the tree was making. Today, I went closer, then closer, and I started to hear the melodies chiming from the slight gust of wind. It was indescribable and it was drawing me in. It drew me into its center and I saw the beautiful windchimes flowing through the wind. It was amazing.. I've seen it from afar, but up close I was wrapped in its pentatonic melody -- a singing oak.

The timing was perfect, the sun was setting behind NOMA (New Orleans Museum of Art) -- the color of the descending sky was a ruby red mixed with a deep serene blue.. another indescribable moment.

With these two together, I lost myself in its beauty. I took a few pictures and recordings -- but within a few minutes -- I was leaning against the big aged oak -- eyes closed and slight tears of harmonious release. That is the only way that I can describe this moment.

As I opened my eyes, I saw the sky moving and the sun slowly falling --- I felt a sense of calm and comfort through the beauty of his masterpiece. Of course the windchimes were created by an artist by the name of Jim Hart -- but the sunset, the wind, the oak -- all of His Creations.. and He had wrapped me in this blanket of love through it all.

After meditation, I got up to leave and wondered how many steps it would take to step away from the tree --- and not hear the melodies. It was only a matter of 15 steps and the music was drowned out by the noise of the world. That in itself, was amazing.

I couldn't help but smile and tears were falling if it had been the most joyous moment of my life. And I could say, that moment was one of a kind...

It got me to think about how we perceive our relationships the same way as I approached the tree. Not about the physical attributes of the tree -- but the closer you get -- the more meaningful it may be. In our busy schedules and our fears -- we limit ourselves with the "closeness" of relationships, whether it be friends/significant others/etc. This experience helps me to get closer and not be afraid. Because our Father is the creator of us -- His creations -- and together in community -- in love -- how beautiful it could be. hard we try to please our own little worlds, when we could be enjoying each other's singing oak trees.

Enjoy <3

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Roots to the grave...

As I was running home today, I was passing St. Louis cemetery on Esplanade. The majority of my run is on Esplanade --- a beautiful street with beautifully decorated homes. There are no two same homes...each individual, unique, and beautiful. I pass the usual few outdoor eateries, Cafe Degas, Lolas, Sante Fe, and a few others. (I have YET to try any of these restaurants. )

And so, on my way back home -- I noticed these roots on the ground.. so beautifully intricately mapped out. I HAD to stop and take a moment to appreciate this.. For more reasons than one, I just had to recognize this masterpiece, for its intricacy, its presence, and its age. I stood for a few good moments and had a beginning to end conversation of where our roots stem from to where we lay when our lives on earth ends. Ironically, the roots of this glamorous tree were in the sidewalks of the St. Louis cemetery.

It was a profound, yet, to the point statement the tree was making... or maybe history was making.

Whoever had planted that tree-- may have had that same thought.. "where our roots grow strong -- we lay" -- only if that were true.. how often do we CONFORM and easily forget our roots. Our roots, of not just our CULTURE of being from Europe, Africa, Asia, or wherever-- but our ROOTS of our Father.. our FAITH roots.

As I spend time in solitude and prayer.. I will remember the roots of our Father. Not just my korean one.. but the roots stemming back to Christ.. to Adam.. to my Creator.

And as I run by the same roots day by day.. I will strive to know where my roots lay within myself.

Monday, March 22, 2010

a part of me

KEYON//the photo.grapher

a part of me

chasing shadows.

the two above photographs were taken by Keyon, my little buddy *below* -- I call the first piece --"a part of me..." -- and the second piece -- "chasing shadows" i met keyon @ ms. monica's birthday picnic a couple months ago and ever since then, he's become one of my closest buddies in new orleans. mind you, he is only 4.. (just turning 4)..

his grandma, Deborah serves at our church -- shes the sister who is always serving you food and manning the tables of food. She's always takin care of her kids, grandkids, and scolding you for calling her "grandma" -- its because of women like her, our future seems a little brighter. we may not be the best people directly to our family and friends, but how thankful we should be for those that fill in the gaps for us so that we can pass on the best.

We'll be taking more pictures as soon as I can find my battery charger :).

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Let the rain fall

It's been close to three weeks since I left Philly for New Orleans.. and already, it feels I've been here for years. My drive down was definitely a humbling experience. My car aka the black panther -- did a great job :) Thank GOD for His provisions.

With all the goodbyes, I did run out of tears by the end. It's surreal to think that I left my "home." But I feel at home here in the Big Easy. It wasn't easy to leave, but it wasn't hard to leave either. I was able to reconcile many issues, tie up loose ends, close a few chapters, and really be at peace with what I was about tangibly leave behind.

I've never left Philly in my adult life for more than a few weeks at a time. So once I hit 20 days, I'll definitely feel like Samwise Gamgee in LOTR Fellowship of the Ring as they venture past the field out of the Shire. (LOTR fans know what I'm talkin about)

Some thought I was a little crazy -- some courageous -- some inspirational -- some thought.. WHAT ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY FROM? haaaa! Most of the friends thought.. this is so sudden, are you sure you thought this through? I have to admit.. I was scared out of my mind, but every time the thought of .. "this is home.. " I was quickly reminded that this.. or that... is not our home.

I came down -- car packed with "necessities" -- no job. no home... but the one thing I had for sure.. was a church community. Not the institution, but the CHURCH.. the body of Christ made of brothers and sisters who had the similar passions and a drive that I wanted to be a part of. St. Roch Community -- during Pastor JB Watkins sermon on July 5, 2009 (my birthday) -- I felt God tug at my heart to serve in this particular part of New Orleans.

.. and well, I'm here now... of course there are many many many details, happenings, etc in between those months.. but i'll have to go into it during another post.

If this moment in life were to be compared to the clarity of a diamond and its worth.. I'd say.. itd be one expensive diamond.. :)